The development and
spreading of yoga in Armenia.
Meditation - Pranayama
The development and
spreading of yoga in Armenia.
Our goals
Development of Yoga
The development and spread of yoga in Armenia. Supporting the health of the population by engaging in yoga classes as well as engaging in regular health care activities.
Increasing the prestige of yoga as a guarantee of a healthy lifestyle in Armenia. Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Teaching of Yoga
Creating and developing the effective yoga teaching and learning systems. Providing methodical guidance in the teaching of yoga in accordance with the rules established by the International Yoga Federation.
Information Source
We hope that the website site, with its content and many features, will become the best source of yoga information for the Armenian population.
Why you should go to yoga?
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. There is a broad variety of schools, practices and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism.
You can always control what goes on inside
Yoga is a way to freedom
Yoga is a fountain of youth
Yoga is a practice of quieting the mind
Yoga is possible for anybody who really wants it
Our teachers
Israyelyan 43/5, close to Parajanov Museum
094- 80-80-40
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